The Ram Villa


Our team is available 24/7

Cancellation Policy

1 100% Refund?

If cancellation is made 7 days prior to check-in

2 25% Refund

If cancellation is made 3-6 days prior to check-in

Frequently Asked Questions

1 What is the distance from Pant Nagar Airport to Ram Villa?

71 km/ 2 hours

2 What is the distance from Kathgodam Railway Station to Ram Villa?

37 km/ 70 minutes

3 What is the distance from Delhi to Ram Villa?

300 km

4 What is the distance from the villa to Nainital ?

12 km/22 minutes

5 What all facilities does Village Bajoon provide?

There are a few groceries shops and 3-4 small hotels providing basic amenities. There are a few resorts all around

6 Are taxis available from Ram Villa to Nainital and other places of interest?

Yes, with adequate notice

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